10 Mar Spring Cleaning Q&A With Crescent Living Co.
I don’t know about you guys, but I freaking LOVE having a clean and organized house. It feeds my soul. With winter almost over, I am definitely in heavy spring cleaning mode. If you’ve been following along on my stories you know that I have been on a major redecorating / organization rampage, but this year I’ve gotten a little (ok a lot) of help from my girl Jaime Bergman from Crescent Living Co.
Jaime started Crescent Living Co after working in Real Estate for years and seeing it ALL (you’ve got to hear some of her stories). She specializes in helping those who feel overwhelmed, stressed and just tired of the clutter in their lives. Believe me when I say an organized home can change your entire mood! After Jaime came in and completely revamped my home, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for all of you to ask her some questions to help with your own spring cleaning this year. On top of the tips she’s giving you here, she’s also extending her discount code KAIT15 for her services!
Happy cleaning!!!!!
Q – I’m too overwhelmed with the clutter that I can’t even start the process! Help!
J – Small bites. I know this can be an overwhelming process when you feel like your entire home needs a full refresh. But I recommend starting with one small task to get the ball rolling and make you feel accomplished, such as your junk drawer or sorting through your linen closet.
Q – How should clothes be organized? Every week the bomb explodes!
J – I highly recommend a full edit of all your clothing every 6 months so that they don’t accumulate in your closets. If you have a space to store some large Rubbermaid totes, I recommend swapping your seasonal clothing and accessories out of your main closet spaces so you can clearly see exactly what you have at all points during the year. Nobody needs to see their fleece lined tights in the thick of summer!
Q – Do you set aside time everyday to declutter/tidy?
J – MILK. This is a simple acronym I use daily in my own home to ensure I get the basics accomplished every single day to keep my home tidy and ensure I stay on track for the things that matter most:
Meals: anything that involves food and food preparation. Could be a trip to the grocery store, pulling out chicken from the freezer for dinner that night or sitting down and creating a meal plan for the week.
Intentions: These are my chores or work related items that I intend to complete before the day is done.
Laundry: Always always always, complete 1 load of laundry every day. Wash, Dry, Fold AND put away. I swear this is the biggest game changer in my own home.
Konnection: Call a friend, go for a walk and connect with nature, pray, snuggle with your kid and watch a movie – whatever fills your cup is a top priority daily.
Q – How do you organize the Tupperware cupboard?
J – Start by corralling all your Tupperware containers and lids and inspecting for any that have scratches or major staining as these should be recycled. Any container without a matching lid should also be removed as each container should have their matching lid. If you have the available space, store containers and lids together.
Q – Where do you buy your organization products?
J – Ikea employees now know me by name. Ikea has been coming out with some pretty incredible products like white and acrylic bins, kitchen drawer inserts and many, many choices of baskets in all shapes and sizes. I also go to Dollarama, Bed Bath & Beyond, Jysk and Canadian Tire for a variety of different bins, baskets and accessories in varying price points to complete the spaces I’m organizing.
Q- How do you keep paperwork organized? How do you store all the paper / documents you need but don’t use often?
J – Portable filing cabinets are wonderful for keeping things organized and accessible for when you need them. Get creative and add in pretty coloured file folders and labels for each family member or type of document.
Digital storage is also very effective. Download an app like HP Scanner to your phone and start scanning important documents you receive in the mail to keep for tax purposes. Create a file for each year on your computer for quick reference later. TIP: be sure to rename the scanned document so you know what it is and can easily search for it later.
Q – How do you organize kids craft supplies?
J – Have a designated zone in your storage cupboard for craft supplies only. Keep the crafts you know your kids are allowed to do solo closer to the bottom and anything that needs adult supervision (hello glitter!) should be out of their reach. I love to separate supplies by type in clear containers and of course, label each one.
Q – How do you convince kids to keep their toys organized and use the designated spots?
J – Make it simple for them to follow the rules. Create zones for them to learn and grow into such as a reading corner for books or stuffed animals all live in one bin.
Organize books in a delicious rainbow pattern, this way when it’s time to tidy up you can say to each child: Timmy, clean up the blue and red books, and Julia, grab the green and yellow ones – make it a game!
For young kids I like to implement a system called a 30 Day Box where you have 2 of the same bins/boxes and fill with similar but different types of toys or games. Every 30 days these bins are rotated so the kids have “new” items to play with, keeping them interested and not overwhelmed with too many choices all at once.
Lego is always tricky as there are SO many different styles and sets. Pulling everything out and sorting by colour into different small bins is a daunting task at first but getting the kids to help with this process shows them the ease of access they will have once they start to play. This works best with kids over 5 yrs so they can unlatch the bins themselves.
Setting the expectation of keeping everything absolutely perfect all the time is only going to set you up for disappointment.
Q – How much does Crescent Living Co cost? Is it by how much stuff you have?
J – I offer complimentary consultations and provide a full estimate for services based on the project at hand and work everywhere within the Lower Mainland of BC. Home Organization is an investment in yourself and your home, packages start at $279 + applicable taxes. I also offer virtual packages for those looking for less of a commitment to start!
Keep scrolling for photos and links to all of the items Jaime used in my own home!
Acrylic Organizers | Tall Clear Tumbler (sold out but I found another option here) | Lazy Susans (Flat Option, Separated Acrylic Option, Double Decker Option)
Spice Jars (sold out right now, but these are super similar, or these!) | Label Maker
I mean, have you ever seen anything more beautiful?! 😍
Glass Containers with Lids | Wire Drawers
Square Containers with Pop Lids | Short Containers with Pop Lids | Angled Containers with Pop Lids
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